Change log Version 190 - Dec 15th -2020


- Add Slider for Banner All services

- Add Notification feature.

- Update new Live chat plugin

- Add option that allows adjusting Map layout to Left/Right

- Add option Enable/Disable Verify Email when register and booking

- Add nearby point of interest for Hotel/Space..

- Add the Media management

- Update the Bulk Action > Delete for Verification list

- Add option allows admin to disable Verification feature

- Add option that allows exporting User list in the Dashboard 

- Update the slug for the User profile, vendor need to input the username for changing vendor URL

- Update slider style for services block on the homepage

- Update image option for all attributes

- Update the Booking Report for Vendor profile

- Add option to disable Wallet System

- Add an option that allows the vendor to add Booking Fee for Services

- Add option allow to Disable Commission for each vendor


- Validate the duplicate phone while registration

- Payout issues on the Checkout page

- Fixed the Translation issues(verify config, text banner, missed words.. )

- Fixed HTML character code in the service name

- Updated the days converting in Duration for Tour and Event

- Fixed the "Verify issue" when logging in with social account  issue

- Fixed the redirect "View all" issue on the vendor profile page 

- Fixed the registration issue on Page Register

- Fixed Menu icons on mobile

- Fixed some Router missed

- Fixed the issue the vendor role can view all Draft posts 

- Fixed the calculation in the Booking Form