Recommended images size for Mytravel script

We have some suggestions on the image size to use for each common area, you can refer to it to apply and make the composition more uniform.

  1. Logo: 50x50(px)
  2. Favicon: 30x30(px)
  3. Background images: 1920x500
  4. Banner images:1920x750(px)
  5. Horizontal featured images(4 columns/row): 300x230(px)
  6. Vertical featured images(4 columns/row): 300x350(px)
  7. News featured images: 870 × 500 (px)
  8. Avatar images: 100x100(px)
  9. Gallery images: 1280 × 600(px)
  10. Horizontal featured images(2 columns/row): 630 × 350 (px)