When purchasing Booking Core from Codecanyon, you will be able to download Booking Core files with your Envato account. There will be two packages for you to choose from: The Main Files contains all files or the Installable Booking Core files with just the necessary installable Booking Core files.
If you choose Main Files, there will be a Booking Core Folder included:
- Booking Core Folder – contains the bookingcore.zip
- Documentation Folder – contains the Document for the system
- Licensing Folder – contains the licensing files. (This is not the purchase code that you need to download from codecanyon).
To find your license key/purchase code you need to log into your ThemeForest account and go to your “Downloads” page.
Locate some of the premium Script you purchased in your “Downloads” list and click on the Download and next on the “License Certificate&purchase code” link in the drop-down menu.