Social Login

Navigate to Dashboard > Settings > Advance Settings > Social Login

1. Facebook Login

- Facebook Login: check to the box to allow login by Facebook account, read more in this guide to know how to create FB API


Make a note of your OAuth Settings

At the step: Configure the Redirect URI


Read more here

2. Google Login 

- Google Login: check to box to enable Login by Google account

Get a client ID and client secret

1. Open the Google API Console Credentials page.

2. From the project drop-down, select an existing project or create a new one.

3. On the Credentials page, select Create credentials, then select OAuth client ID.

Remember: In the Redirect URI input, need to use

4. Under Application type, choose Web application.

5. Click Create.



3. Twitter Login

- Twitter Login: check to the box to allow login by the Twitter account

How to create a Twitter application:

  1. Visit the Twitter Developers Site.
  2. Sign in with your Twitter account.
  3. Go to “My Applications”
  4. Create a New Application.
  5.  Fill in your Application Details.
  6. Create Your Access Token.
  7. Choose what Access Type You Need
  8. Make a note of your OAuth Settings.

Remember: In the Redirect URI input, need to use

Read more here


Or you can try to watch this video

Instructions to enable more permissions for Twitter:

1. Select App 

2. In the App Details -> Edit Detail.

-  Input the Enable login via Twitter,

- InputPolicy URL (must be entered to get step 4)


3. Select Permission -> Press Edit

4. In the Additional permissions, tick on the "Request email address from users" option